King James Bible
The preserved Word of God
The Beginning of the Gospel and the Baptism of Jesus
Jesus Heals a Paralytic and Calls Levi
Jesus Heals on the Sabbath and Chooses the Twelve
Parables of the Kingdom and Calming the Storm
Jesus Heals the Gerasene Demoniac and a Woman with a Hemorrhage
Jesus Rejected at Nazareth and the Sending of the Twelve
Traditions and the Heart of Man; Healing of a Deaf Man
Feeding the Four Thousand and Peter's Confession
The Transfiguration and Healing a Boy with an Unclean Spirit
Teaching about Divorce and the Rich Young Ruler
The Triumphal Entry and Cleansing the Temple
Parable of the Wicked Tenants and Questions about Taxes
Signs of the End Times and the Coming of the Son of Man
The Plot to Kill Jesus and the Last Supper
The Trial of Jesus and His Crucifixion
The Resurrection of Jesus and the Great Commission