King James Bible

The preserved Word of God



  1. The Oppression of Israel
  2. The Birth and Adoption of Moses
  3. The Burning Bush
  4. Moses' Signs and Return to Egypt
  5. Moses and Aaron Before Pharaoh
  6. God Promises Deliverance
  7. The Plagues Begin
  8. The Plagues Continue
  9. The Plagues Intensify
  10. The Final Plagues Announced
  11. The Death of the Firstborn Foretold
  12. The Passover Instituted
  13. Consecration of the Firstborn
  14. Crossing the Red Sea
  15. The Song of Moses
  16. Manna and Quails
  17. Water from the Rock
  18. Jethro's Advice
  19. Israel at Mount Sinai
  20. The Ten Commandments
  21. Laws Concerning Servants
  22. Laws About Property
  23. Laws About Justice and Mercy
  24. The Covenant Confirmed
  25. The Tabernacle and Its Furnishings
  26. The Tabernacle's Construction
  27. The Altar and Courtyard
  28. The Priestly Garments
  29. Consecration of the Priests
  30. The Altar of Incense
  31. The Sabbath and the Craftsmen
  32. The Golden Calf
  33. Moses' Intercession
  34. The New Stone Tablets
  35. Sabbath Regulations and Offerings
  36. The Tabernacle Construction Completed
  37. The Ark, Table, and Lampstand
  38. The Altar of Burnt Offering
  39. The Priestly Garments Made
  40. The Tabernacle Erected